Our teens and young adult groups and services are for individuals aged 14 to 30 years old, who have autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and other neurodiversity. We offer a variety of groups, supports and services designed to provide social opportunities, community connections and build skills to help with the transition into adulthood. We have been providing social recreation, life skills and employment support opportunities for teens and young adults in an inclusive and supportive environment for over 15 years.
Some of our groups and services offered are:
- Gaming/ Social Rec Groups
- Cooking and Independent Living Skills Classes
- Pre-Employment Workshops
- 1:1 Job Coaching
Individuals and families may purchase service or pay for groups using Passport Funds, SSAH or private funds. Please note some of our groups or services may not currently be available. For more information or to register please contact us at: 613-721-1500 or email: ysowl@ysowlmaclure.org.