The Owl Employment program is a comprehensive Supported Employment Program that supports individuals with developmental disabilities and autism to find and maintain employment in their community. The services and supports are identified with the individual through an Individual Support Plan that is based on the needs and preferences of the individual.
The Job Coach provides individualized employment support with job search, resume/cover letter development, interview preparation, and on the job support in partnership with the employer. The program offers a variety of job support models and identifies specific skills of the job seeker and the needs of the employer. The job coach remains available to the individual and the employer to ensure employment success in their workplace.
Y’s Owl Maclure Co-operative has various community partners and memberships that are related to inclusive hiring and retention for people with disabilities.
Ready Willing and Able-RWA
Ontario Disability Employment Network-ODEN
Referrals to the program are received from Developmental Service Ontario-Eastern Region for funded vacancies. Individuals and families may also purchase service using Passport or private funds depending on availability.
For further information please call Sherie Sullivan at 613-721-1500 ext 222 or email: